Demonstrating commitment to

Proud to be a certified Minority Business Enterprise. Fineline promotes diversity through contributions and participation in national and local diversity programs. We are a nationally certified MBE, and state certified in Indiana and 13 other states. It is an honor to share this commitment with many of our corporate and government clients. A full list of our State and City certifications can be found below.

Katz, Sapper & Miller CPA Firm certified Fineline Printing Group as SOC2 Compliant. The annual SOC2 audit independently verifies the existence and effectiveness of our administrative and technical controls to ensure the safety of customer data.

To protect your business and your clients’ privacy, Fineline operates within the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as well as within the Indiana Board of Pharmacy Certification regulations. These practices and certifications help us confidently recommend solutions within a variety of regulated industries.

We are proudly compliant with G-7 Master Printer Certifications and ISO 9001:2008 compliant, Fineline employs quality management practices to advance our objectives and consistently ‘wow’ our clients.

The USPS Full Service Certification (FSC) program recognizes Fineline as a Mail Service Provider who not only implements the necessary mailing processes but consistently meets or exceeds the criteria and thresholds of full-service mailing. The list of certified MSPs is updated weekly and provides more details on the certification and the services we currently offer.
![GreenPowerPartnerMark 2 [Converted] EPA Green Power Partner Certification logo](https://finelineprintinggroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/GreenPowerPartnerMark-2-Converted.png)
Green Power
Like you, we are passionate about environmental responsibility. Our green certifications and sustainability best practices allow us to help you honor your commitment to maintain a low carbon footprint.

City of Indianapolis
Certified by the city of Indianapolis.
Meet Our Experts

Lisa Young