PRESS RELEASE: Fineline Employees Receive Certification as Mail Design Professionals

INDIANAPOLIS, IN, April 16, 2013

Four Fineline Printing Group employees were recently certified USPS Mail Design Professionals, through the Mail Design Professional (MDP) online course offered by the Business Mail Academy (BMA). Newly certified Mail Design Professionals are:

  • Justin Bogard, Postal & Database Manager
  • Darlene Smith, Client Service Representative
  • Ron Allison, Prepress Specialist
  • Barb Snyder, Prepress Specialist

Lisa Young, Vice President of Operations, says, “Fineline is an organization committed to continual learning. For our clients, we offer access to the Fineline University and we encourage our employees to pursue continuing education opportunities. Given the number of clients we provide mailing services for, it made perfect sense for key staff to become certified in the USPS MDP program.”

The certification of these four employees allows Fineline to stay true to its mission: “We will not ask for your business until we can improve it.” When customers submit mailing projects, Fineline’s certified professionals will more quickly recognize questionable design and be prepared to suggest revisions to mail pieces. This prevents possible errors on projects before they are prepped for printing as well as the opportunity for significant postage savings.

The MDP online course is a seven-hour, self-study process ending with a comprehensive test issued by the USPS. It provides thorough training on postal standards related to designing letter and flat mail to facilitate processing on high-speed automation. Participants gain an in-depth understanding of USPS regulations and topics, including automation compatible mail, mail design, postage discounts, barcode formats and reply mail.

“By having a certified professional in the client services department, we are saving our clients time and costs while expediting their communications through the USPS system right from the start of their projects,” comments Darlene Smith.

Ron Allison adds, “Prepress professionals can identify at first glance if a customer’s mail piece meets USPS regulations which helps move the project through the manufacturing process smoothly without any surprises once ready to mail.”



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