Top 3 Ways to Create the Best “Unboxing Experience”

Creating a great first impression with your brand is more important than ever.


In a world defined by virtual and digital interactions, tactile experiences are a delight to the senses. When sending a box, who says packaging has to be boring? Use “boxes within boxes,” special coatings, and inserts to create a memorable unboxing experience. Make a statement and communicate a deeper, more lasting brand impression than just “Here’s your stuff.”

Red box with themed cookies and brand items inside

Customer themed their box around a movie, including custom made cookies.

The “unboxing experience” is how people feel when they first open the package and engage with its contents. This experience might be dull as dirt (like taking a pair of shoes out of a cardboard box in a shoe store) or, like opening the box for a new Apple iPhone, it can be a multisensory experience. Whether you are selling a product or giving gift boxes to employees for onboarding, a great unboxing experience increases brand satisfaction, boosts brand engagement, and gives customers or employees something to remember and look forward to next time. But how, exactly, do you create one? Try one of these proven ways—or all three!

  1. BRAND IT.

    Companies with the best unboxing experiences create custom branded packaging. This is packaging that is unique and includes your company name, logo, and any other graphics or text you want to include. It’s not just “any” box. It’s your box, and everything about it reflects your brand. According to a study by Dotcom Distribution, 40% of online shoppers would share an image of their purchase on social media if it came in branded packaging.


    Use premium materials to create a sense of luxury. One company that does this extremely well is Apple. All Apple products are delivered in minimalist white boxes with shimmering metallic letters. Boxes are made of premium materials with a soft-touch coating and fit the products like a tailored suit. Unboxing is truly a sensory experience that makes people feel they’ve received something special.


    Don’t just send the product. Include printed inserts that delight and inform, as well. Examples include personalized thank-you cards or fun product-related information. One organic goat-milk soap company, for example, includes a card with each bar of soap. The card has a picture and the names of the goats from which the milk was taken. “Your soap was hand-crafted from the milk of Daisy, Lina, and Ana. They say, ‘Thank you!’” Think of unboxing as being like the product’s grand entrance at a royal event. The more excitement generated around it, the more special the product and your company are perceived to be. If you’re going to make an entrance, make it memorable in the best possible way.

Read our blog “Staying connected with Creative marketing Kits” for more tips and ideas on how to use boxes and kits to increase brand awareness.


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