Case Study: Thought Leadership – 2014 Biggest Print Marketing Trends to Plan for in the New Year

As we head into 2015, we look back at the year’s biggest trends that will continue to impact the success of strategic print marketing in the New Year.

Fineline’s President, Richard Miller, and Pre-Media & Digital Print Manager, Rick Kappel, weigh in on the top 6 trends they’ve seen in 2014 that will continue in 2015:

1. Technology

Technology continues to prove its value in the print industry. As we roll into 2015, we will continue to see the use of technology in extending the seamless customer experience. For example, Fineline has improved services with the overhaul of our E-business print management software that includes features like a digital storefront, print-on-demand, fulfillment, and online order editing and management.

2. Electronic Print Fulfillment

Deadlines are increasingly tight these days, causing everyone to look at any opportunity to shorten the production process. We have noticed an increase in electronic print fulfillment services, like the acceptance of electronic proofs for job approval. Customers view electronic proofs immediately, eliminating costs associated with shipping and improving the response time for edits or approvals.

3. Big Distribution

Printers are becoming more involved in the ownership of distribution projects. Many printers are attaching themselves to distribution hubs, in order cut shipping costs and provide an end-to-end client experience. We will likely see this strategy grow as print companies strive to pass savings on to clients.

As the New Year approaches, ask not what you can do for your print partner, but what your print partner services can do for you!


4. Strategic Print Partnerships

Clients and prospects are increasingly calling out for industry print experts and advisors. This includes assessing how print best aligns to their business needs and marketing goals. For print companies, this means having both experienced and innovative sales and client management teams, as well as providing leading industry resources to partners and followers.

5. Revival of Traditional Print

Traditional print is making a comeback in a big way. As digital and email marketing becoming more saturated, print marketing and direct mail methods are returning as a preferred, elegant approach to interacting with audiences.

6. Increased Print-on-Demand

As companies navigate between print and digital inventory, we’ve seen an increase in the value and use of print-on-demand services. The availability to print on-demand enables the flexibility of fulfilling orders as needed, along with saving warehousing and overstocking costs.

Want to learn more about how Fineline can help your business’ communication & marketing efforts stay cutting edge? Contact us today!

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