Fulfilling Your Brand Promise with Promotional Products

Tips from Fineline’s Kim Ramirez, Senior Account Manager: Promotional Products & Apparel Division

I have known Fineline’s owner, Richard Miller, for over 10 years and was aware of Fineline’s desire to expand its Promotional Products and Apparel division. Recently, the opportunity presented itself for me to move into a leadership and training role at Fineline. I am excited to be able to put my 24+ years of experience to providing organizational direction and customer value. Fineline truly has top-notch service and employees already; so, it is a great environment to work in. I love it here!

I am often asked the best way to approach promotional products to make sure they support a client’s brand. I like to begin by listening to all the details of the project: the budget, the time frame, etc. Then I go to work designing items to make the campaign creative and effective! Some of my favorite projects over the years have included unique themes that allow us to get very creative with the product. DNA kits, anyone?

If you are new to promotional products, here are some recommendations to help ensure your purchases are on track.

  • Be creative: Do not be afraid to try something new! Some of my favorite products through the years have built on themes that allow us to get creative.
  • Be effective: Consider what you’re trying to achieve. The products you provide have to make sure they represent your brand in the manner, place, and time you want to be remembered.
  • Be practical: Consider your audience. Although creativity is good, you also want to make sure that your promotions are not inadvertently awkward to carry or difficult to use.
  • Consider your event thoroughly:  Do you have a unique booth or give-away location that you can leverage? Do you have an audience with a unique and particular shared interest? Thinking through these logistical questions can really help identify an attention-getting item.
  • Plan ahead: There is nothing worse than finding the perfect item only to discover that it cannot be delivered in time, or that rush charges are prohibitive. Thinking ahead means you can get the best items at the best price.

Promotional products can offer so many effective tools to get your message across! I am a big, big believer in quality service and building a strong client relationship– that is what has set me apart in the past and what I am looking forward to bringing to Fineline.

Ready to get started planning your next promotion?  Contact our Director of Sales, Todd Howard, at [email protected] or call him at 317.802.1966 to get started!

What are some of the best ways you have seen promotional products used?

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