Mail Advisory: 2014 Mail Charts Still Accurate for Early 2015

At Fineline, we are committed to keeping you informed of any industry changes that could possibly impact your business. In keeping with this commitment, we have some good news for those of you who received, requested, or are referencing our Mail Chart containing up-to-date postal pricing that went in effect January 2014 – your charts are still accurate!

The Postal Service did not file for a price increase in January 2015, according to the U.S. Postmaster General, due to the efforts behind last year’s increase. This “Exigent Price Increase” allowed the USPS to increase postal pricing higher than the rate of inflation to help recover some of their losses that occurred during the recession (roughly $3 billion). Pricing is neither to increase nor decrease until the Exigent Price is lifted, indicating that their losses will have been restored.

The earliest any rate changes are predicted to go into effect is late March/early April 2015, with possibilities of even lasting into the early fall season.

Our Mailing poster is a great way to have accurate pricing – as well as letter-sized dimensional standards and envelope sizes-available at a glance, whenever you need it!
Didn’t receive a Mail Chart but would like to request one? Visit


About Fineline’s Mail Advisories
Fineline Mail Advisories keep our direct mail customers up-to-date on the most important developments at the United States Postal Service (USPS) and Fineline’s mailing department. Sent only when necessary, they are quick-reads, written in terms that are easy to understand. You learn how your business may be affected or helped, upfront, so you can anticipate and plan how to maximize your direct mail’s success.

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