Diversity at Fineline

By Fineline’s Candice Cherco, Marketing & Communications Intern

This year I had the opportunity to attend the annual Mid-States MSDC (Minority Supplier Development Council) Corporate Luncheon & Business Opportunity Fair with Fineline, the Diamond Sponsor for the event. I had not been to an event like this before and wasn’t sure what to expect. I approached it with an open mind, and soon realized the tremendous value diversity brings to a company.

I spoke with several attendees from other diverse businesses and with other guests of Fineline from a variety of businesses and industries, before the luncheon and during the trade show. No matter who I spoke to, I was greeted with a warm smile, a friendly Hello and with genuine interest in Fineline’s role in the event.

Richard Miller, the owner & president of the company, is also a board member for the Mid-States MSDC. Born in Argentina, he immigrated to the United States as a young teen and started Fineline just over 30 years ago. One thing I have learned at Fineline is that the most valuable asset an organization has is its commitment to each employee’s unique story and journey and how that adds value to the company and its customers.

Dr. Stephen Covey, author and teacher, says “strength lies in differences, not in similarities,” which I definitely agree with. This strength was most present in the inspiring stories told during the luncheon’s “Beyond the Dream” panel discussion. The storytellers were three retired professional athletes, who are now hard-working entrepreneurs who own successful minority businesses.

Fineline has embraced diversity since its founding in 1981. Today it is a certified MBE in Indiana, the City of Indianapolis, States of Wisconsin, Illinois, New York and New Jersey. Fineline Printing Group is also ranked 11th out of the 25 Largest Indianapolis-Area Minority-Owned Businesses, according to the Indianapolis Business Journal’s 2014 Book of Lists.

Diversity in the workplace is proof that from diverse individuals come diverse ideas, ensuring a strong business that is always growing, evolving, and improving.

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